Strong & Healthy Deluxe Mini's Intro Kit
/Product Type /Trial Sizes
Boost hydration and repair damage with these treatment deluxe mini's. Proven to hydrate dry hair and strengthen over-processed strands. <div class="magezon-builder magezon-builder-preload"><div class="p59pmny mgz-element mgz-element-row full_width_row mgz-row-equal-height content-middle"><div class="mgz-element-inner p59pmny-s"><div data-background-type="image" data-parallax-image-background-position="center bottom" class="mgz-parallax p59pmny-p"><div class="mgz-parallax-inner"></div></div><div class="inner-content mgz-container"><div class="hs75wj4 mgz-element mgz-element-column mgz-col-xl-25 mgz-col-md-6"><div class="mgz-element-inner hs75wj4-s"><div class="mkx2aj8 mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-heading"><div class="mgz-element-inner mkx2aj8-s"><h6 class="mgz-element-heading-text" > PROTECT, STRENGTHEN & RESTORE BONDS </h6><style class="mgz-style">.mgz-element.mkx2aj8 .mgz-element-heading-text{color:#000000;}</style></div></div><div class="fhiurtd mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-heading"><div class="mgz-element-inner fhiurtd-s"><h3 class="mgz-element-heading-text" > Conditions & Strengthens Whilst Improving Visible Damage </h3><style class="mgz-style">.fhiurtd-s{margin-bottom:25px !important;}.mgz-element.fhiurtd .mgz-element-heading-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div class="btwy6la mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-text"><div class="mgz-element-inner btwy6la-s"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Boost hydration and repair damage with these treatment deluxe mini's. Proven to hydrate dry hair and strengthen over-processed strands. Our deluxe mini’s are the perfect way to try some of our hair care heroes, if you are new to Philip Kingsley. Our intro kits are also great for if you’re always on-the-go or simply headed off on holiday.</span></p></div></div><div class="yky3v1a mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-icon_list"><div class="mgz-element-inner yky3v1a-s"><div class="mgz-icon-list mgz-icon-list-vertical"><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment 40ml to hydrate dry hair, add bounce and shine</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment 40ml for visibly healthier hair</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Bond Builder Split End Remedy 20ml to strengthen strands and reduce split ends</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Daily Damage Defence Conditioning Spray 60ml to protect your hair from UV rays and heat styling tools</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Bond Builder Restorative Oil 3ml to restore hair to the health of unprocessed, undamaged hair after just one use*</span> </div></div><style class="mgz-style">.yky3v1a-s{margin-bottom:30px !important;}.mgz-element.yky3v1a .mgz-icon-list-item{margin-bottom:5px;}.mgz-element.yky3v1a .mgz-icon-list-item-icon{color:#ffffff;}.mgz-element.yky3v1a .mgz-icon-list-item-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div id="PDP-Full-Product-Description" class="eco9irh mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-button white"><div class="mgz-element-inner eco9irh-s PDP-Full-Product-Description"><div class="mgz-button mgz-btn-style-flat mgz-btn-size-md"><a href="" class="mgz-link mgz-btn" title="" ><i class="fas mgz-fa-plus-circle"></i> Full Product description </a></div><style class="mgz-style">.eco9irh-s{padding-right:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important;}.mgz-element.eco9irh .mgz-link{border-radius:0px;color:#ffffff;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}.mgz-element.eco9irh .mgz-link{border-radius:0px;color:#ffffff;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}.mgz-element.eco9irh .mgz-link{padding: 0;}</style></div></div><script>
require(['jquery', 'mage/apply/main', 'Magezon_Core/js/jquery.magnific-popup.min'], function($, mage) {
var content = '<div class=\"mgz-button-modal-inner\"><div class=\"mgz-button-modal-header\"><h3 class=\"mgz-button-modal-title\" >Full Product description</h3></div><div class=\"mgz-button-modal-content\"><p>These ultimate hair repair treatment mini\'s are perfect for your over-processed strands. This intro kit is proven to make damaged hair up to 3X more resistant against damage*.</p><p>Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment works beneath the surface of the strands at a molecular level to repair damaged and processed hair from the inside out.</p><p>While our multi-award winning Elasticizer Pre-Shampoo Treatment will deeply condition, nourish and restore your hair\'s natural bounce & shine.</p><p>Bond Builder Split End Remedy helps to protect and strengthen existing bonds and repair broken ones while instantly sealing split ends for stronger, visibly healthier hair.</p><p>Daily Damage Defence is our leave-in conditioning spray that protects your hair from damage caused by UV rays and heat styling tools.</p><p>Bond Builder Lipid Shield is a fast-absorbing, restorative yet lightweight hair treatment oil clinically proven to repair the lipid layer on damaged hair, to levels seen on virgin hair (hair that has never been colourtreated or chemically processed) after just one use*.</p><h4><strong>Kit Includes: </strong></h4><ul><li>Deluxe Mini Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment, 40ml</li><li>Deluxe Mini Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment, 40ml</li><li>Deluxe Mini Bond Builder Split End Remedy, 20ml</li><li>Deluxe Mini Daily Damage Defence, 60ml</li><li>Full Size Bond Builder Restorative Oil, 30ml</li></ul><p><br /><span style=\"font-size: 10px;\"> ^MEAN INCREASE 2.79X AFTER 5 TREATMENTS COMPARED TO A SINGLE TREATMENT – INDEPENDENT INSTRUMENTAL TEST RESULTS. </span></p><p><span style=\"font-size: 10px;\">*Independent Instrumental Test comparing bleached hair treated with Bond Builder Lipid Shield to untreated, virgin hair</span></p></div></div>';
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</h3><style class="mgz-style">.q21bcm0-s{text-align:center;}</style></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="v8sjlk9 mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-image_carousel mgz-element-title-align-center"><div class="mgz-element-inner v8sjlk9-s"><div class="mgz-block"><div class="mgz-block-content"><div id="174195529767d420e1ec41a" class="mgz-carousel mgz-image-hovers owl-carousel mgz-carousel-nav-position-center_split mgz-carousel-nav-size-small image-content-below" data-type="gallery"><div class="item mgz-carousel-item "><div class="item-inner mgz-flex-position-below"><img class="owl-item-image owl-lazy" data-src="" src="" alt="The Proven Answer to Dry Hair"/><div class="item-content"><div class="item-title">The Proven Answer to Dry Hair</div><div class="item-description">Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment is a super-conditioning treatment that transform dry hair into soft, bouncy tresses.</div></div></div></div><div class="item mgz-carousel-item "><div class="item-inner mgz-flex-position-below"><img class="owl-item-image owl-lazy" data-src="" src="" alt="Restore Your Hair's Natural Shine"/><div class="item-content"><div class="item-title">Restore Your Hair's Natural Shine</div><div class="item-description">Bond Builder Restorative Oil is a fast-absorbing, restorative yet lightweight hair treatment oil clinically proven to repair damaged hair after just one use^.</div></div></div></div><div class="item mgz-carousel-item "><div class="item-inner mgz-flex-position-below"><img class="owl-item-image owl-lazy" data-src="" src="" alt="Proven To Make Hair Up To 3X More Resitant Against Damage**:"/><div class="item-content"><div class="item-title">Proven To Make Hair Up To 3X More Resitant Against Damage**:</div><div class="item-description">Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment repairs damage caused by heat-styling, colour-treating and chemical processing.</div></div></div></div><div class="item mgz-carousel-item "><div class="item-inner mgz-flex-position-below"><img class="owl-item-image owl-lazy" data-src="" src="" alt="Repair Split Ends & Strengthen Strands"/><div class="item-content"><div class="item-title">Repair Split Ends & Strengthen Strands</div><div class="item-description">Bond Builder Split End Remedy helps to protect and strengthen existing bonds and repair broken ones while instantly sealing split ends for stronger, visibly healthier hair.</div></div></div></div><div class="item mgz-carousel-item "><div class="item-inner mgz-flex-position-below"><img class="owl-item-image owl-lazy" data-src="" src="" alt="Your Hair's Own Personal Bodyguard"/><div class="item-content"><div class="item-title">Your Hair's Own Personal Bodyguard</div><div class="item-description">Protect your hair from damage caused by UV rays and heat styling tools with our Daily Damage Defence Leave-In Conditioner.</div></div></div></div></div><script>
require(['jquery', 'Magezon_Builder/js/carousel'], function($) {
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benefit:Shine, Anti-Frizz, Repair
filter_hair_length:Short, Past Shoulder
filter_hair_profile:No Issue
filter_hair_type:Fine, Medium, Coarse, Natural Coiled Curls
filter_processing:None, Little, Regular
product_size:Travel Size
stock_visibility:Out of Stock
Shine, Anti-Frizz, Repair
Short, Past Shoulder
No Issue
Fine, Medium, Coarse, Natural Coiled Curls
None, Little, Regular
Travel Size
Out of Stock
Strong & Healthy
Deluxe Mini's Intro Kit
Damaged Hair, Frizzy Hair, Hair Breakage
Conditioning, Elasticity, Hydration, Remoisturising, Replenishment, Shine, Smoothing, Strengthening
Conditions & Strengthens Whilst Improving Visible Damage Boost hydration and repair damage with these treatment deluxe mini's. Proven to hydrate dry hair and strengthen over-processed strands. Our deluxe mini’s are the perfect way to try some of our hair care heroes, if you are new to Philip Kingsley. Our intro kits are also great for if you’re always on-the-go or simply headed off on holiday.
Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment 40ml to hydrate dry hair, add bounce and shine
Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment 40ml for visibly healthier hair
Bond Builder Split End Remedy 20ml to strengthen strands and reduce split ends
Daily Damage Defence Conditioning Spray 60ml to protect your hair from UV rays and heat styling tools
Bond Builder Restorative Oil 3ml to restore hair to the health of unprocessed, undamaged hair after just one use*
Your strong and healthy hair heroes. The Proven Answer to Dry Hair
Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment is a super-conditioning treatment that transform dry hair into soft, bouncy tresses.
Restore Your Hair's Natural Shine
Bond Builder Restorative Oil is a fast-absorbing, restorative yet lightweight hair treatment oil clinically proven to repair damaged hair after just one use^.
Proven To Make Hair Up To 3X More Resitant Against Damage**:
Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment repairs damage caused by heat-styling, colour-treating and chemical processing.
Repair Split Ends & Strengthen Strands
Bond Builder Split End Remedy helps to protect and strengthen existing bonds and repair broken ones while instantly sealing split ends for stronger, visibly healthier hair.
Your Hair's Own Personal Bodyguard
Protect your hair from damage caused by UV rays and heat styling tools with our Daily Damage Defence Leave-In Conditioner.
Hydrolyzed Elastin & Advanced Bond Rebuilding Technology Hydrolyzed Elastin ensures your hair breaks less, by providing stretch and strength, while Castor Oil and Olive Oil rehydrate your hair to make it look shiny and healthy. It is the elasticity hair treatment that gives you the feel-good factor, even after one wash.
Apply Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment to damp hair before shampooing. On damp, cleansed hair apply Split End Remedy to mid-lengths and ends of hair. Finally, spray Daily Damage Defence Leave-In Conditioner on wet or dry hair.
For best results alternate use of Elasticizer and Bond Builder weekly.
To be a little melodramatic, THIS PRODUCT HAS CHANGED MY HAIR/LIFE like NOTHING else ever has... I'm saving time with washing and styling everyday, as well as using so much less product. It's BRILLIANT!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
We answer some common queries about Strong & Healthy Deluxe Mini's Intro Kit.
If you have more questions you can submit a question below or visit our Help Centre to speak with our Customer Care Team.
You can! This miracle hair mask can be left in for 10-20 minutes or kept on overnight for maximum results. If you are someone who prefers to shampoo in the morning, then you might find it is more convenient to apply Elasticizer before bed. Simply apply the deep conditioning treatment and wrap your hair in a microfibre turban overnight to keep it nice and secure. Then rinse well, shampoo and condition as normal the next day. Frequent use will lead to healthier looking hair with less breakage, allowing you to achieve salon-level results from one at home hair treatment.
Yes, they are complementary products. If your hair is dry as well as damaged, we recommend using both treatments, on alternating weeks. Treating your hair to regular intensive treatments is hugely important in achieving your healthiest head of hair possible.
It's best to re-apply at least every third wash.
This versatile, fast-absorbing product can be used as a leave-in treatment, an overnight hair oil, or as an intense boost beneath a pre-shampoo treatment (such as Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment or Bond Builder Restructuring Treatment).
Reviews & Questions What our customers say...